Poultry Farming

Let’s start by defining what constitutes structured water:
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Poultry Farming

Water Quality & Quantity

Water is essential to birds, not only in their consumption but also for body temperature regulation. Large quantities of water are necessary for the environment around the birds as well as for the birds, as the quality and quantity of the water directly impact the amount of feed required. Water is an important source for all animals alike; let’s see how vital it truly is to poultry farming.

How Important is Water In Poultry Farming?

Water is crucial in poultry farming; it is not only used for the birds to drink, but for accomodating poultry housing as well. For instance, water is used as a means to decrease air temperature by fogging systems.

Needless to say, the quality and the quantity of the water is vital for the birds themselves as it affects their growth and development. Not only that, lack of quality water can take a toll on: 


Body temperature regulation

Nutrient transportation

Joint and organ lubrication

If the quality of the water is poor, it can impact the overall performance, hinder the effectiveness of the vaccines and medications, which are given through water lines. Substandard water quality can also lead to indirect issues such as clogging up water lines and cooling systems, which again are vital to the development and growth of the birds.

For example, in an average heat temperature, chickens consume double the amount of water compared to their feed. In hotter seasons, this amount quadruples! If there isn’t sufficient water, it is challenging for the poultry to have a standard metabolic rate or grow adequately. Lack of quality water in extreme cases can lead to a lowered rate of egg-laying and even premature death.

The Efficacy of Structured Water

Structured water has been a buzzword recently, with many talking about how the quality of structured water is beyond phenomenal. That is the correct assumption, but how exactly does structured water work? And what is the efficacy of structured water?

Let’s start by defining what constitutes structured water:

Chemically speaking, structured water is still H₂O, but it differs due to its hexagonal micro-clustered molecular structure. This type of structure is found in water flowing through glacier melts, mountain springs, and other untouched water sources. In short, structured water is water in its most natural form.


Structured water is often referred to as vortex water. The reason behind this is that water’s molecular structure in nature is secured by its natural vortex-like flow. This movement form keeps water’s vitality in place by maintaining its micro-clustered molecular equilibrium.


What makes structured water so special and unique?

With the hexagonal micro-clustered molecules, water is at its best quality, with robust self-cleaning properties, increased hydration, balanced pH levels, and increased dissolved oxygen levels. These benefits are lost once the water loses its natural habitat and goes through rigorous systems, such as being pumped through the pipes, going through multiple treatments, and receiving additives like chlorine.


Though structured water is found in untouched water sources, some methods can be used to revive the water’s molecular structure and The Vortex Water Revitalizer is one of those treatments. This solution mimics the vortex-like flow of water, thus rearranging its molecules in a hexagonal manner.


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Crystal Green India

#234, Infosys Main Road,
Hebbal Industrial Area,
Mysore - 18
+0821 - 4192770
+91 7259395439

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69 Railway Parallel Road

Kengeri Satellite Town Bangalore - 60