
Structured water is important to agriculture because it has the same energy and vitality as rainwater. Simple water vortex energizing devices attached to your irrigation system restore water’s negative charge making it more bioavailable to plants and soil microbes.

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Why Structured Water Matters


Structured water is important to agriculture because it has the same energy and vitality as rainwater. Simple water vortex energizing devices attached to your irrigation system restore water’s negative charge making it more bioavailable to plants and soil microbes. With better water efficiency plant health improves and water bills are reduced. Farmers love structured water because the energy they seek for their crops is now available through their pivot instead of waiting for rain.


How do Farmers Make More Money With Structured Water?


Energized or structured water in agriculture is powered by the efficiency of nature. It is bioavailable and easily assimilated. Field moisture sensor data reveals crops watered with structured water pivot irrigation systems have reduced water consumption of at least 10% and as much as 30%. Less water and less pumping mean lower bills and greater profits.


Structured water also has a descaling effect. While the results of this will be proven in the coming decades as structured water irrigation systems meet the test of time, we can all agree less mineral build-up supports equipment longevity. Our 2019 field results show a 32% reduction of water and higher product quality.  



Water Conditioner for Irrigation

Limescale and corrosion due to hard water deposits are the two most common problems in irrigation. When borewell water is the primary source of water for farming, it is important to focus on improving the irrigation water quality.


How to Improve Irrigation Water Quality?

One of the easiest ways of improving irrigation water quality is by using structured water devices for farming. Structured water is the most natural form of water besides rainwater. It changes the physical structure of water. When Borewell water flows through Crystal Blue water structuring units, it ends up as naturally smooth and conditioned water.


A Solution to Water Scaling in Pipes & Irrigation System

Hard water contains high levels of calcium carbonate and salt. If your irrigation system solely relies on hard water, then limescale/water scaling in pipes is sure to occur over time. The salts and calcium deposits settle in pipes, especially in small calves, nozzles and sprinklers. Our Structured water units are a sustainable water scaling solution, which solves major problems of farming.




Reduces or eliminates smell of chlorine

Cleans off toxic chemicals from fruits and vegetables

Reduces buildup throughout plumbing

Reduces or eliminates hard-water deposits

Appliances and plumbing parts last longer

Dissolves calcium and iron deposits in plumbing lines

Saves time and money on equipment replacement

Sparkling dishes

Reduces amount of soaps and detergents needed

Reduces soap scum in shower

Benefits of Irrigation Water Conditioners:

Reduce water consumption by 30%.

Decrease in the vegetation period.

Increase in crop quality.

Prevent hard water deposits/limescale.

Increase in growth of all types of crops by 30% – 40%.

Promote longer life of irrigation systems.

Head Office
Crystal Green India

#234, Infosys Main Road,
Hebbal Industrial Area,
Mysore - 18
+0821 - 4192770
+91 7259395439

Corporate Office
69 Railway Parallel Road

Kengeri Satellite Town Bangalore - 60